Cheater sympathizer

What’s a secret skill or ability you have or wish you had?

I have the secret ability of being massively understanding. I am the type to hear a story about how someone was cheated on and feel bad for the cheater! My empathy runs deep, I can’t imagine by one mistake of the loins losing my family or damaging someone I care about trust. We make mistakes all the time, but we judge others for their mistakes. Like what if someone crashes your car because they fell asleep, I think that would remind me of all the times I fell asleep and DIDN’T crash. I think about the times I split things in my pocket (former klepto) and did not get caught, but the people serving time or having a record due to them getting caught. What about all the addictions I have, but so grateful I never tried meth or heroine because I would definitely be hooked. All the times I succumb to peer pressure, but luckily the things I have done didn’t leave a stain on my future. I feel bad for people that are judged for their mistakes. Judging and someone living out the consequences are different. Yes, I will put a camera in my room because you stole from me, but I will not judge my uncle for stealing because he is broke as crap and hooked on drugs.


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