Appropriately Accepted Child-like Behavior

What job would you do for free?

Gosh just living life is a job, am I right? We have to fit in self care they say. We have to actually be mindful of our thoughts because….drum roll…. they are not our own! I can only imagine the challenges of maintaining a sense of calm while you hearing voices that are not there, but people diagnosed with schizophrenia our actually so keen that their thoughts are reduced to what they actually are voices that we must decide on what’s actually trueeee and helpful (to us not wanting to do something irrationally harmful).

Soooo, that being said! I want a job where I can be completely me (as a form of a matured child me), a summer camp counselor! Me, as a kid, had a passion for playing, games, being wild I love kids and I can always easily play off my child like, silly, SpongeBob loving self as an adult that is simply behaving in a way to bond with the kids but really want to watch the news or something else adultish. I mean I do want to do my job well, but this playful nature is really me just sticking it to the man. The man being the stigma against letting your child like you hang out whoever that cute lil kid might be.


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