Everything you don’t like

Which aspects do you think makes a person unique?

I think the aspect of what makes a person unique are the things most criticized by others. The parts one tend to dislike about themselves. I believe just like the superheroes we see on the screen and Jesus even (referencing the Apocrypha), powers are meant to be refined and sharpened at young age, but without being tamed could be deleterious. What effects our powers is our mindset. What are we truly comparing ourselves to even? Like there’s this master human being that we unconsciously see and beauty and skill and it’s worth it’s depended on the relatedness of this entity. Ew sounds like a proud, deceitful entity.

I believe that we are two. Flesh and Spirit. Random fact about me, I love science and mental health and how it is reflected in the Bible. In relation to mental health, it’s like Freud’s id, ego, superego, personality concept or cognitive behavioral therapy in the importance of the impact of our thoughts and how they are not our own. I personally feel our spirits makes us all the same but how our spirits conquer our thoughts to make strong what was weak is what makes us unique. Most things can be seen by one person at least twice, by unhealthy pretenses or with accepting, graceful eyes.